Magija Teorija bez Prakse

 "All your life you've been in cage, padawan. When you  are ready, break free." Darth Malgus

"Fire will light the way for the strong. And when the galaxy is in flames, power will be yours.. if you are willing to burn."  - Darth Malgus the Betrayer

"It doesn't matter what I was, but what I have become!"  Darth Malgus

“Those who ask for mercy are too weak to deserve it.” - Darth Bane

"Descended from Darth Bane, we are the select few who refuse to be carried by the force and who carry it instead!" Darth Plagueis the Wise

Pošto vidim da ljude slabo interesuje magija a skladu sa novim saznanjima koja sam spoznao obrisao sam sve postove o magiji.

"Ne bacaj svoje bisere pred svinje..."

Volim Sith terminologiju i koristim je često zato ću reći samo ovo:

„Znanje je moć, a pravi Sithi ne DELE moć.“

Jedino je pitanje da li znanje koje posedujete donosi moć ili bezvrednu informaciju?

Uživajte u vašem životu......... bez Magije.


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